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PowerShell Interview Questions And Answers


1) Explain what is PowerShell?
Power shell is an extendable command shell and a scripting language for Windows.
2) What are the key characteristics of PowerShell?
The key characteristics of PowerShell are
PowerShell is object-based and not text based
Commands in PowerShell are customizable
It is a command line interpreter and scripting environment
3) In PowerShell what does variables holds?
In variables PowerShell contains strings, integers and objects. It does not have special
variables as it is pre-defined with PowerShell
4) Explain what is the significance of brackets in PowerShell?
Parenthesis Brackets (): Curved parenthesis style brackets are used for compulsory
Braces Brackets {} : Curly brackets are employed in blocked statements
Square Brackets []: They define optional items, and they are not frequently used
5) What does it mean cmdlet's?
Cmdlet’s are simple build in commands written in .net language like C# or VB introduced by
Windows PowerShell
6) Explain what is PowerShell Loop?
Automating repetitive task with the help of PowerShell loop is known as PowerShell Loop.
Through PowerShell, you can execute For each loop, While loop and Do While loop.
7) Explain can you create PowerShell scripts for deploying components in

If you have created a web part using VS 2010 then, you can deploy it using cntrl+f5. However to
activate the web part feature you can write a PowerShell script (.ps1) and execute it after
8) Explain about the PowerShell’s comparison operators?
Comparison Operators compares value in PowerShell. Four types of comparison operators are
used equality, match, containment and replace. In PowerShell, one of the key comparison
operators is –eq that is used instead of “=” sign for declaring variables. Likewise, there are
other operators like –ne for “not equal” , -gt ( greater than ) or –lt (less than).
9) Explain what is PowerShell pipeline is used for?
PowerShell pipeline is used for joining two statements such that the output of one statement
becomes the input of the second.
10) Explain what is PowerShell get-command?
Get command in PowerShell is used to fetch other cmdlets, for example you are looking for
cmdlet between letter L and R then your PowerShell get-command will be like
# PowerShell Get - Command Range
Get-Command [ L–R ]*
11) Explain with an example how you can map a network drive in PowerShell?
To map a network drive in PowerShell you have to use the command like
# PowerShell Map Network Drive
$Net = $( New - Object – ComObject Wscript.Network )
$Net.MapNetworkDrive( “S:”, \\expert\guru99 )
In here the drive letter is “S:” and the Network share is called ‘expert’ on a computer called
12) Mention what are the three ways that PowerShell uses to ‘Select'?
The most common way is in a WMI Query Language (WQL) statement. In this
technique Wmiobject uses ‘-query’ to introduce a classic ‘Select * from’ a phrase
The second context for ‘Select’ in PowerShell is Select-String. This cmdlet checks for a
word, phrase or any pattern match
Another way is Select Object
13) What is the function of Get-ServiceStatus in PowerShell?
The cmdlets of windows enable you to filter the window services. PowerShell can list which
services are ‘Running’ and which are ‘Stopped’ by scripting with windows.
14) Explain what PowerShell Scripting is?
PowerShell file contains a series of PowerShell commands with each command appearing on a
separate line. To use a text file as a PowerShell script, its filename should have.PS1 extension.
To run a script you need
Type the commands in a text editor
Save the file with .ps1 extension
Execute the file in PowerShell
15) What is the use of hash table in PowerShell?
A hash table is also referred as dictionary. It is an array that allows you to store data in a “keyvalue”
pair association. The “key” and “value” can be of any data and length. To declare a
hash table you have to use @ followed by curly braces.
16) Explain what is the use of Array in PowerShell?
The use of Array in PowerShell is to run a script against remote computers. In order to create
an array, you have to create a variable and assign the array. Arrays are represented by
“@”symbol, they are represented as hashtable but not followed by curly braces.
For example, $arrmachine = @ ( “machine1” , “machine2” , “machine3”)
17) Mention what is the command that can be used to get all child folders in a specific

To get all child folders in a specific folder, you have to use parameter recurse in the code.
Get-ChildItem C:\Scripts –recurse
18) Explain how you can convert the object into HTML?
To convert the object into HTML
Get-Process l Sort-object – property CPU –descending l convert to – HTML l Out-file
19) Explain how you can rename a variable?
To rename a variable,
Rename-Item- Path Env: MyVariable –NewName MyRenamedVar
20) Explain what is the function of $input variable?
The $input variable enables a function to access data coming from the pipeline
21) What is the code to find the name of the installed application on the current

Get-WmiObject-Class Win32_Product- ComputerName . l Format-wide-column1
22) Explain how you can find in PowerShell that all the sql services are on one server?
There are two ways to do this
get-wmiobject win32_service l where-object {$_name-like “*sql*”}

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