Browser Tips and Tricks

Here I have listed some browser tips and tricks:

1.Browser Tabs
Use the tabs in your browser for a better browsing experience. Use Ctrl T for opening a new tab, Ctrl W for closing a tab, Ctrl Page Up or Page Down for moving between the tabs, and Ctrl Shift T for opening the last closed tab.

2. Tab and Shift Tab
If you are filling out an online form, by pressing the Tab takes you to the next column and Shift Tab takes you back to the previous column.

3. Open A Link
When you have to open a link in the new tab, you can choose the second option in the drop down menu when you use the right click. You can also hit the Ctrl key and clicking on the link. Alternatively, you can also use the Ctrl key and the wheel of the mouse.

4. Pausing YouTube Videos
While watching a YouTube video, instead of pressing the space bar and going to the end of the page, just hit the K key and that would pause your video. Hitting K key again would resume it.

5. Drop Down Box
With a drop down box that lists dozens of options, you can press the first letter to scroll down to that letter. For example, if you want to select the country 'India' from the drop down list, then click the drop down box below and then press "I" to quickly scroll to India.

6. Search In Quotes
Sometimes you have to search for two words but then Google shows up the results for two different words. To improve your search experience, try searching in quotes. For example, searching "Data Center" in Google would refine the search and won’t lead you to different results for "Data" and "Center".

7. Ctrl D Enter
If you find something important while browsing and want to bookmark it without having to use the mouse, just hit Enter after pressing Ctrl D that would bookmark the page for viewing it later.

8. Alt D
You don’t have to use your mouse every time you need to access the address bar. Just press Alt D and your address bar would be highlighted. You can also hit F6 for the same purpose.

9. Ctrl Shift R
If you want to reload a page ignoring the cache, hit Ctrl Shift R.

10. Ctrl Enter
When entering an Internet address you do not need to type http:// or even www in the address. Just enter the name of the website and hit Ctrl Enter. This would add the required www in the beginning and .com at the end. You can use Shift Enter for .net and Ctrl Shift Enter for .org.

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