Unable to start T-SQL Debugging. Could not attach to SQL Server Process

How to enable T-SQL Debugging in SQL Server?

Click on the menu Debug >> Start Debugging an error will be appeared  "Unable to start T-SQL Debugging. Could not attach to SQL Server Process"

Solution of this error :

Expand SQL Server Mangement Studio expand the security

Right Click on the Logins >> Click on New Login. A new window will appear to define Login

Specify the Login Name.
Specify the Server Name.

Check the sysadmin Server role and then press OK.
Now Debug your Query /SP Debug >> Start Debugging

This can also be done using TSQL.
Here is the Way to do this using TSQL

sp_addsrvrolemember 'Domain\Name', 'sysadmin'

EXEC master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'Dmain-Name\Administrator', @rolename = N'sysadmin'

if you are not using any domain, then try your system name.

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