Increase website performance

Increase website performance
Avoid HTTP Request:
Adding HTTP request within the site is not recommended. Sometimes if the request URL is not working then it will affect our sites performance

Avoid Inline JavaScript:
We should not use inline JavaScript. It is not recommended.

Avoid Inline CSS:
We should not use inline styles so that it decrease the performance.

Combine images using CSS sprites:
Combine all the images and place it as singe image and positioning the images needed in the CSS use it for the website. It may decrease number of request made to the site.

Minimize JavaScript:
Minimize the lines of code in JavaScript. Remove the unwanted and commented code in it.

Minimize CSS:
Minimize the lines of code in CSS. Remove the unwanted and commented code in it.

Minimize HTML:
Minimize the lines of code in HTML. Remove the unwanted and commented code in it.

Minimize Redirects:
Reduce the number of redirects in the site. Unwanted redirect may affect the site performance.

Remove bad request to the server:
Avoid unwanted or bad request to the server. It means requesting for the files that are not available in the server.

Specify Image Dimensions:
For image source, need to add width, height attribute.

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