Fix a Corrupted Pen Drive or SD card using Command Prompt
Step-1 : Connect the corrupted pen drive or SD card to your computer.
Step-2 : Now open Command window. You can actually do this in several ways. Press Windows Key+R and type cmd in the dialogue box and click on OK. This will let you open a command window. Also, you can click on start button and type cmd in the search box and select the command prompt program.
Step-3 : Once done with opening the command prompt window, it’s time to enter some commands into it.
Type diskpart and press Enter.
Next type list disk and press Enter.This will display a list of all the storage devices connected to your computer.
Step-4 : Now type select disk and press Enter. Here the number of your disk is the number assigned to your removable storage.
Note: Make sure you enter the number correctly. Otherwise, you may format your internal hard drive.
Step-5 : After selecting the disk accurately, type clean and press Enter. Next type creates partition primary and hit Enter.
Step-6 : Now type active, and press Enter.
Type select partition 1, and hit Enter.
Step-7 :Finally, type format fs=fat32 and hit Enter. You can write NTFS instead of fat32 to format drives larger than 4 GB.The format process will complete in a few minutes. Do not close the window till the process is done.
Here is the entire process.
Step-2 : Now open Command window. You can actually do this in several ways. Press Windows Key+R and type cmd in the dialogue box and click on OK. This will let you open a command window. Also, you can click on start button and type cmd in the search box and select the command prompt program.
Step-3 : Once done with opening the command prompt window, it’s time to enter some commands into it.
Type diskpart and press Enter.
Next type list disk and press Enter.This will display a list of all the storage devices connected to your computer.
Step-4 : Now type select disk
Note: Make sure you enter the number correctly. Otherwise, you may format your internal hard drive.
Step-5 : After selecting the disk accurately, type clean and press Enter. Next type creates partition primary and hit Enter.
Step-6 : Now type active, and press Enter.
Type select partition 1, and hit Enter.
Step-7 :Finally, type format fs=fat32 and hit Enter. You can write NTFS instead of fat32 to format drives larger than 4 GB.The format process will complete in a few minutes. Do not close the window till the process is done.
Here is the entire process.
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