IIS - Start,Stop and Restart from Remote PC using Power Shell or Windows Command
IIS - Start,Stop and Restart from Remote PC using Power Shell
Open a Power shell console with administrative privileges.Here is the Power Shell commands for IIS - Start,Stop and Restart on the IIS instance installed target PC.
Remember to replace the TARGET-HOST sample host name with the host name or IP Address of the target PC
IIS - Start,Stop and Restart from Remote PC using Windows Command
Open a command prompt with with administrative privileges.Now we can do IIS - Start,Stop and Restart on the IIS instance installed target PC.
Remember to replace the TARGET-HOST sample host name with the host name or IP Address of the target PC
Open a Power shell console with administrative privileges.Here is the Power Shell commands for IIS - Start,Stop and Restart on the IIS instance installed target PC.
invoke-command -computername "TARGET-HOST" -scriptblock {iisreset /START}IIS-STOP
invoke-command -computername "TARGET-HOST" -scriptblock {iisreset /STOP}IIS-RESTART
invoke-command -computername "TARGET-HOST" -scriptblock {iisreset /RESTART}
Remember to replace the TARGET-HOST sample host name with the host name or IP Address of the target PC
IIS - Start,Stop and Restart from Remote PC using Windows Command
Open a command prompt with with administrative privileges.Now we can do IIS - Start,Stop and Restart on the IIS instance installed target PC.
Remember to replace the TARGET-HOST sample host name with the host name or IP Address of the target PC
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