Linux Directory | Function |
/ | The top directory of linux. |
/bin | Store binary files which related to the system such as mount,ls,rm,etc. |
/boot | Store files related to boot process. |
/dev | Store information about all devices which connected to your linux. |
/etc | Store configuration files about linux and its application. |
/home | User directory. |
/lib | Store library files. |
/lost+found | lost+found is the directory in which fsck(filesystem check) will put files it restores from orphaned blocks. |
/media | Usually used as a moint point for external media such as CD/DVD ROM. |
/mnt | Used as a mount point directory,but it more likely a place that "temporarily mounted" device such as network shares. |
/opt | Store files whcih not handled by package manager. |
/proc | A virtual filesystem which used to provide information about the system. |
/root | As root home directory. |
/sbin | Store a binary files which usually can be run by superuser only. |
/selinux | Store information about Security Enhanced.Some linux distribution may not have this directory. |
/srv | Store data services which used by system. |
/sys | Store information related about your linux system. |
/tmp | Used as a temporary folder for applications. |
/usr | Store user utilities and applications. |
/var | Store variable data files. |
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