Linux Directory Structure

Linux Directory Structure

Linux DirectoryFunction
/The top directory of linux.
/binStore binary files which related to the system such as mount,ls,rm,etc.
/bootStore files related to boot process.
/devStore information about all devices which connected to your linux.
/etcStore configuration files about linux and its application.
/homeUser directory.
/libStore library files.
/lost+foundlost+found is the directory in which fsck(filesystem check) will put files it restores from orphaned blocks.
/mediaUsually used as a moint point for external media such as CD/DVD ROM.
/mntUsed as a mount point directory,but it more likely a place that "temporarily mounted" device such as network shares.
/optStore files whcih not handled by package manager.
/procA virtual filesystem which used to provide information about the system.
/rootAs root home directory.
/sbinStore a binary files which usually can be run by superuser only.
/selinuxStore information about Security Enhanced.Some linux distribution may not have this directory.
/srvStore data services which used by system.
/sysStore information related about your linux system.
/tmpUsed as a temporary folder for applications.
/usrStore user utilities and applications.
/varStore variable data files.

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