JavaScript Tools and Plugins
Anime.js - Javscript Animation Engine. |
Velocity - Acceleration Javascript Animation. |
Popmotion - Javascript motion engine. Use for animation.Physics and input tracking. |
Aos - Animate on scroll library. |
Mo.js - Motion graphics library for the web. |
ScrollReveal - Declarative on scroll reveal animations. |
Skrollr - Stand alone parallax scrolling library for mobile and desktop. |
Video.js - Universal video embed. |
Fit Vid.js - A lightweight easy to use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds. |
jPlayer - HTML5 Audio and video for jQuery. |
Plyr - A simple HTML5Youtube and Vimeo player. |
Vide - Easy as hell jQuery plugin for video background. |
Flowplayer - The HTML5 video player for the web. |
Popcorn.js - The HTML5 Media Framework. |
Howler.js - Javascript audio library for the modern web. |
Tone.js - A web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser. |
Wavesurfer.js - Navigable waveform bulit on web Audio and Canvas. |
Sound Manager 2 - A javascript Sound API supporting MP3,MPEG4 and HTML5 audio. |
Amplitude.js - A javascript library to design your media controls in your webpage. |
Vexflow - A javascript library for rendering music notation and guitar tablature . |
Sound.js - A javascript library for working with Audio. |
Pixi.js - Super fast HTML5,2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback. |
Phaser - Phaser is a light weight 2D game framework for making HTML5 games. |
Babylon.js - A complete javascript framework for building 3D games. |
EgretCore - Egret is a brand new open mobile game and application engine. |
Matter.js - A 2D rigid body physcis engine for the web. |
Melon.js - A fresh and lightweight javascript game engine. |
Crafty - A javascript game library. |
React - A javacript library for building user interfaces. |
Vue - Inutuitive, fast and composable MVVM for building interactive interfaces. |
Next.js - A lightweight framework for static and server rendered applications. |
Angular - A development platform for building mobile and desktop web. |
Svelte - Javascript aninmation Engine. |
Redux - Predicatble state container for javascript apps. |
Meteor - An ultra simple,pure javascript web framework. |
Quill - A cross browser rich text editor with an API. |
Fine Uploader - Multiple file upload plugin with progress bar,drag and drop. |
Parsley - Validate your forms,frontend without writing a single line of javascript. |
Selectize.js - The hybrid of a textbox and select box. |
jQuery Validation - jQuery Validation Plugin. |
Pickadate.js - Lightweight jquery date selector with multi language support. |
Three.js - Javascript 2D library. |
Swiper - Mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions. |
Fabric.js - Javascript Canavas Library,SVG to Canvas and Canvas to SVG parser. |
Aframe - A web framework for buliding virtual reality experiences. |
Html2canvas - Screenshots with Javascript. |
SvGo - SvGo is Nodejs based tool for optimising SVG vector graphics files. |
Chart.js - Javascript Animation Engine. |
Reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework. |
Leaflet - Javscript library for mobile friendly interactive maps. |
Intro.js - A better way for new feature introduction for your website and project. |
Impress.js - A presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms. |
JS Pdf - Genreate PDF files in javascript. |
Coffee Script - Unfancy javascript. |
Uppy - The next open source file uploader for web browsers. |
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