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MERN Stack Developer Roadmap 2024

 MERN Stack Developer Roadmap 2024:



1: 🌐 Master Web Basic

2: 🖥️ HTML/CSS

3: ✨ Deep Dive JavaScript

4: 🗂️ Version Control

5: 🐍 Node.js

6: 🗃️ Express.js

7: 📦 NPM

8: 📚 MongoDB

9: 🌟 React.js

10: 🔐 JWT

11: 🚀 App Deployment

12: 🐳 Docker Basics

13: ☁️ Explore Cloud Services

14: 🔄 CI/CD with GitHub Actions

15: 🧪 Testing with Jest

16: 📜 API Documentation

17: 📢 Build Portfolio

18: 💼 Resume Create

19: 🛑 Interview Preparation

Step 20: 🔍 Hunt Job

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