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How DNS works?

 Step-by-step Explanation of how DNS works 🚨 

How DNS works?

1. Enter Website Address: You type a web address (URL) like "mypage[.]com" in your browser.

2. Check Local Cache: Your computer checks if it already knows the IP address from a local cache (browser, OS, or router).

3. Check Host Files: If not found in cache, your computer checks its host files for the IP address.

4. Ask DNS Resolver: If still not found, it asks a DNS resolver (usually provided by your ISP).

5. Root Server Lookup: The DNS resolver asks a root server where to find the top-level domain (like ".com").

6. TLD Server Lookup: The root server directs the resolver to the correct TLD server (for ".com").

7. Authoritative Server Lookup: The resolver asks the authoritative server for the exact IP address of "mypage[.]com".

8. Get IP Address: The authoritative server provides the correct IP address for the website.

9. Connect to Website: Your browser uses this IP address to connect to the website and load it.

These steps explain how DNS translates a domain name into an IP address to display the website.

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