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Types of domain Names

Types of domain Names
Domain NameDescription
.comCommercial, .com was the first top-level domain in common use.
.netNetwork, .net was created expressly for institutes that partook in network technologies such as an internet service provider or an infrastructure company.⁣ ⁣
.eduEducation, .edu was made for education institutions.⁣
.orgOrganization, .org was created for nonprofits.⁣
.govGovernment, .gov, like .mil, was restricted for American federal governmental agencies and personnel use only. ⁣
.info Information, A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet.⁣.⁣
.intInternational, Its name is derived from the word international, characterizing its use for international organizations and treaty-related purposes.⁣⁣
.mobiMobile, The domain name mobi is a generic top-level domain in the Domain Name System of the Internet.⁣ ⁣
.travelTravel domain names are available to individuals and / or organizations who provides or plans to provide services, products or content in or to the travel industry.⁣
.jobsJobs, the domain is restricted to employment-related sites.⁣⁣ ⁣
Canada,India,United States,United Kingdom,Tuvalu ca .in .pk .us .uk .tv - Country specific domain name.⁣
.coopcooperative, It is intended for the use of cooperatives⁣.⁣

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